Accelerate Your Healing WITH Ellyn


Let’s Transform Together!


From the comfort of your home!


From the comfort of your home!



Discover your Soul Destiny and WHAT’S REALLY STANDING IN YOUR WAY to feeling fulfilled + ACHIEVING YOUR HIGH-VIBE LIFE!

Spiritual Road Map to navigate you on your mission in this lifetime

Increased CONFIDENCE from knowing deep down who you really are

Personalized Blueprint outlining the programs and life lessons creating your current reality and experiences


1:1 Healing Program

7-Week 1:1 clinically-tested system proven to strongly accelerate your path up the spiral of growth, bringing you inner freedom, bliss, and on your path to fulfilling your divine mission. This metamorphic healing method is designed to get to all layers of ancestral, past life and childhood trauma stored within your cellular memory record with the wisdom of the body and DNA.

Dissolve Blocks, Issues, + Resistances Relating to Weight, Money, Work, Family, Health and Relationships

Liberation from Anger, Sadness, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, and Overwhelm with a Renewed Zest for Living + Optimism

Become a Master Manifester

Emerge as Your Higher Self in Perfect Alignment with Source


Group Program

5-Week Group Program to accelerate your Manifestations, allowing you to breakthrough the constraints of your mind, bring balance back, and live confidently with a deep sense of Self. 

Deepen the Relationship With Self to Free Yourself From Fear + Suffering

Learn how to Live in Your Evolved Timeline

Release Patterns of Feeling Unworthy + Park Victim Thinking

Increase Your Self-Confidence, Energy Levels + Your Ability to Send + Receive Love

Are You Ready for Real Happiness?

I’ve had a passion to teach since I was a child. I knew about my divinity at a young age and experienced things that I could not share with others. I was frightened, alone and thought the best way to handle it was to FORGET,  so I suppressed my divinity, metaphysical abilities, and connection with source in order to survive.

I’ve learned a lot throughout my remembrance and healing journey.  Now that I remember who I am, I am fully EMBRACING my gifts and want to share it with the World! More importantly, I want to EMPOWER you on your Remembrance journey so you too can EMBRACE your divinity, gifts, and connection to source.

It’s not just about manifesting your desires because that is a by-product when embracing and stepping into your power.

This is how Spiritual Wealth is created. I’m honored to be your guide and look forward to working closely together.

Are You Ready for Real Happiness?

I’ve had a passion to teach since I was a child. I knew about my divinity at a young age and experienced things that I could not share with others. I was frightened, alone and thought the best way to handle it was to FORGET,  so I suppressed my divinity, metaphysical abilities, and connection with source in order to survive.

I’ve learned a lot throughout my remembrance and healing journey.  Now that I remember who I am, I am fully EMBRACING my gifts and want to share it with the World! More importantly, I want to EMPOWER you on your Remembrance journey so you too can EMBRACE your divinity, gifts, and connection to source.

It’s not just about manifesting your desires because that is a by-product when embracing and stepping into your power.

This is how Spiritual Wealth is created. I’m honored to be your guide and look forward to working closely together.

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